+599 9 690 0555 info@secnets.com

About us

We acquired the expertise we have starting back in 1989. Went through different kinds of companies gathering the experience we are offering you now. We sit down listen propose test and implement. Of course we offer support and maintenance after that.

We are focused on the protection of your investment. Get what you need and not what they want to sell you! We can advise you what to get to suit your needs and not just follow the list of products of any manufacturer or supplier.

We are resellers for Kerio products, AVG products and APC products. Of course these are not the only products we can get you. The facts is that on these you will get the best deals !!

For more information about our products and services, choose the related link on the left.

If you don’t see what you are looking for, drop us an email or give us a call. We are always willing to help you get what you need and get the best deal on it!

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